About this site

I'm Alasdair and I launched this website in December 2022. It will highlight some of my work projects and you can choose to have the latest post emailed to you in a newsletter if you'd like to follow my work.

Maps - read about the maps I have made, or reach out to me if you have an area you would like mapping.

Events - I've been working with Masterplan Adventure this year to organise orienteering events. Firstly Lakeland Warrior, a weekend of two World Ranking Events, and then Christmas Cup, a 4-day event in Central Scotland. Next up we're organising a Middle distance race in the Lakes in March, and then Sprint Scotland.

Coaching - I volunteer with the Yorkshire Junior Squad, coaching 14 - 18 year olds, and am working towards my coaching qualifications.

I also write a personal blog over on Substack.

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